AĀ comprehensive eye examĀ evaluates not only how well you see, but also identifies potential eye diseases and disorders. Retinal tears,Ā glaucoma,Ā diabetic retinopathyĀ andĀ macular degenerationĀ can result in serious vision loss if not detected and treated early. Often patients with these conditions donāt experience any visual symptoms before vision loss occurs.
About The Optomap Retinal Exam:
The Optomap retinal exam, using Panoramic200 technology, is unique in that it gives our doctors a much larger view of the retina (200 degrees) than equipment used in conventional eye exams.
Incorporating the latest in technology and using low-powered red and green laser beams to capture an image of virtually the entire retina, the Optomap Retinal Exam provides a permanent digital record of your eye health and also provides your doctor an ultra-wide field view of your retina.
The image is captured in less than one second and is immediately available for review, to assist your doctor in detecting and treating chronic eye disease and retinal abnormalities. The exam is quick and painless, and doesnāt require dilation.
If you are over 35, you should have a comprehensive eye exam every two years. Patients over 65 or with a family history ofĀ glaucoma, diabetes or diabetic retinopathy should have a yearly eye exam.